Depending on travel distance and temperature, orders may be held for posting early in the week.

**Remeber to modify your makeup for summer.

*May need a deeper shade of foundation. *Bronzer adds natural summer glow.


5 Natural Ingredients To Add To Your Anti-Aging Eye Care Routine

July 12, 2021

5 Natural Ingredients To Add To Your Anti-Aging Eye Care Routine

The skincare market is flooded with creams and serums that promise to erase wrinkles and tighten your skin. Sadly, many of these products aren’t safe for use around the eyes. Even worse, they’re full of chemicals that can irritate your skin and cause redness. That’s why it’s very important to add natural ingredients to your anti-aging eye care routine. Here are five safe and effective ingredients to consider.

Top 5 Ingredients for Anti-Aging Eye Care 


Caffeine has several benefits that extend beyond your morning cup of joe! Caffeine can constrict blood vessels under the skin. Shrinking blood vessels makes them less visible and reduces the appearance of inflammation in the eye area. This natural ingredient can ease eye puffiness and lessen the appearance of dark circles. 

Restriction of blood vessels also tightens the skin under the eye, so an eye serum with caffeine can help you look less tired and worn.

Remember that a natural eye cream with caffeine can have an immediate impact on your appearance, but it won’t repair your skin or have any long-term effects.

Caffeine is a safe and effective natural ingredient for most women. If you have skin that’s particularly sensitive, though, be careful. Using this type of natural eye cream every day and then suddenly stopping may cause what skin care experts call “rebound redness.” This happens when your blood vessels are so used to getting caffeine that they go into overdrive when they don’t get their usual shot of it.


You may have heard about peptides in your skin care products, but do you know what peptides actually are? They’re naturally occurring molecules that form the building blocks of proteins such as collagen and elastin. Peptides are found in every tissue of the body, including your skin.

Your body naturally uses peptides to produce collagen and elastin that keep your skin plump and firm, but production of these proteins decreases with age. More collagen and elastin leads to firmer, younger-looking skin; decreased collagen and elastin can lead to saggy, wrinkly skin.

The good news is that using peptides as part of your beauty routine can stimulate your body to increase production of collagen and elastin. Creams and serums with peptides are gentle enough to be used in the eye area. Even better, they can reduce eye puffiness and lessen the appearance of dark circles.

Thousands of peptide-containing skin creams are released every year, but they’re not all created equal. At Abbey St. Clare, we’ve formulated our Essential Eye Creme with multiple peptides: Matrixyl, Argireline, Eyeseryl, Haloxyl, and Uplevity

With all of these peptides, plus a bonus boost of caffeine, this eye cream does everything you want it to do. It helps reduce dark eye circles, decreases puffiness, reduces wrinkles and sagging, and plumps up the tone of the skin around the eyes. Use it as part of your eye care routine and you’ll look awake, refreshed, and ready to face the day!

Vitamin E

Vitamin E (tocopherol) is another multi-functional ingredient in natural eye treatments. It keeps the skin around your eyes hydrated and plump. It’s also anti-inflammatory and can be very soothing to the skin. 

Vitamin E is an antioxidant that removes free radicals and prevents damage to the body’s tissues and proteins. Free radicals can damage your body’s collagen, but vitamin E can help. It can even ward off sun damage.

Studies have found that vitamin E is useful for reducing dark circles and wrinkles in the eye area. It’s often combined with vitamin C to boost its antioxidant effects and increase collagen production.

Some worry about vitamin E clogging their pores—it is quite heavy. However, when it’s mixed with other ingredients, it’s diluted enough to not cause a problem. 

Because of its incredible effectiveness, we’ve created three eye care products that contain vitamin E. 

The Essential Eye Creme we mentioned earlier has a great blend of peptides and other vitamins alongside vitamin E. It’s never heavy or cakey. You can even apply it twice a day.

Our Rosehip Serum utilizes vitamin E to bring you a light and gentle natural eye serum that easily absorbs into the skin. It’s perfect for nourishing your skin, smoothing lines around the eyes, and decreasing the appearance of dark circles.

Our third vitamin E product is our Lash & Brow Enhance conditioner. When you’ve got thick, full lashes, it’s one of the first things people notice about you! The vitamin E in this conditioner works with powerful peptides to help moisturize your lashes and brows so they can look their best. 

Alpha Lipoic Acid 

Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) is another natural antioxidant that protects our skin from damage caused by free radicals. It’s been shown to be 400 times more potent than vitamins C and E combined! 

Research has shown that ALA can reduce the appearance of fine lines. Some experts report that it can protect against UV damage and have additional anti-aging benefits, too. It even works where you can’t see it. On a micro-level, it prevents cross-linking in your body’s collagen, a process that can lead to wrinkles.

Since our bodies naturally produce ALA and it’s in every cell in our bodies, the risk of side effects when using it is minimal. 

Once again, incorporating our Essential Eye Creme into your anti aging eye care routine is the best way to get the benefits of ALA.

Rosehip Oil

Essential oils are everywhere in the beauty market right now, but there’s one that’s ideal for nourishing and repairing your skin: rosehip oil.

This natural skin care ingredient comes from the seed of the rosa canina rose bush that grows in Europe, Africa, and Asia. 

Rosehip oil hydrates, moisturizes, and brightens your skin. It also boosts collagen production and reduces the appearance of fine lines. Like many of the other ingredients on this list, it’s an antioxidant too. It seems like there’s nothing this ingredient can’t do for the skin around your eyes!

Our Rosehip Serum gives you a great blend of rosehip oil and a few other nourishing oils. We’ve given this treatment even more anti-aging goodness by adding vitamins A, C, and E. The formula is perfect for applying in the morning and before you go to bed.

Adding these five ingredients to your anti-aging eye care routine can really make a difference in the way you look and feel. If you need help finding the products that are right for you, contact us. We’re here to answer any questions you have about your natural skincare needs.

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