Depending on travel distance and temperature, orders may be held for posting early in the week.

**Remeber to modify your makeup for summer.

*May need a deeper shade of foundation. *Bronzer adds natural summer glow.


Try These 4 Natural Essential Oils For Post-Workout Soreness

Try These 4 Natural Essential Oils For Post-Workout Soreness

July 12, 2024

You’ve jogged, lifted, jazzercised, or bicycled, felt your muscles work and your heart pumping hard, and you’re feeling pretty great about yourself. Then, the next day happens. You roll out of bed and immediately feel the tense achiness of delayed-onset muscle soreness, also known as DOMS. Suddenly, all that hard work you put in doesn’t feel so great after all. 

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5 Reasons To Choose A Mineral Sunscreen This Summer

5 Reasons To Choose A Mineral Sunscreen This Summer

June 03, 2024

What are the differences between mineral and chemical sunscreens? Why does it matter which type of sunscreen you use? Sun protection was never a “thing” until the last third of the 20th century, when the ozone layer, which prevents harmful UV rays from reaching earth, began to erode. 

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Why Choose Abbey St Clare Products For Natural Skin Care?

Why Choose Abbey St Clare Products For Natural Skin Care?

May 05, 2024

Why are natural products best for your skin? Just as you fuel your body with the best fruits, vegetables, and healthy foods available, you also want your skin to receive the best of what nature can provide. And you’d like to do this all without sacrificing quality or spending an arm and a leg. 

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5 Natural Skincare Tips For The Spring Seasonal Transition

5 Natural Skincare Tips For The Spring Seasonal Transition

April 08, 2024

As we slog through the last of the cold, dry winter months, let’s take a moment to be thankful that soon we’ll all be able to say goodbye to the days of staticky hair, dry, itchy skin, windburned cheeks, and that enormous container of moisturizer we have to bring everywhere, so our skin doesn’t crack and itch while we’re outside. 

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Enhance Your Mental Well-Being With These 5 Skin Care Habits

Enhance Your Mental Well-Being With These 5 Skin Care Habits

March 08, 2024

When life gets busy, self-care often falls by the wayside—from diet and exercise to good skin care habits. There seems to be a more pervasive attitude that caring for yourself, physically and mentally, is less of a priority than working, caring for others, managing a household, and so on.

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Natural Help for Respiratory Viruses

Natural Help for Respiratory Viruses

February 06, 2024

It’s that time of year again when respiratory viruses are hitting almost everyone in some way. If you and your family are experiencing the flu, COVID, or RSV, it’s important to understand each of these viruses and their symptoms. 

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Natural Products And Techniques For Fixing Winter Hair Problems

Natural Products And Techniques For Fixing Winter Hair Problems

January 07, 2024

You will have hair challenges over the winter. Think back to years past. Fighting with frizz and static, dreaded hat hair, the feeling as if your locks are breaking off strand by strand every time you use a comb or brush, and so on.

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Why Choose A Natural Skincare Product With Neuropeptides?

Why Choose A Natural Skincare Product With Neuropeptides?

December 05, 2023

If you’ve purchased skincare products recently, you’ve probably read about peptides as ingredients in some of them. 

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Why Are Antioxidants So Important In Skincare?

Why Are Antioxidants So Important In Skincare?

November 01, 2023

If you’re into nutrition science, you’re probably already aware of some of the benefits of including antioxidants in your diet. From fighting cancer and heart disease to improving vision and lowering the risk of diabetes, these compounds seem to be nothing short of magical.

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7 Reasons To Use Natural Skin Toners

7 Reasons To Use Natural Skin Toners

September 27, 2023

If you’ve done any shopping for skincare products in the last decade or so, you’ve probably come across products that contain ceramides.

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7 Benefits of Chamomile for Hair and Skin

7 Benefits of Chamomile for Hair and Skin

August 30, 2023

Chamomile is a common flower that makes a great, soothing tea that may help provide calming relief to help you fall asleep faster. But did you know that chamomile also is an important element in natural skin care—and even natural hair care?

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Peptides Help Protect Your Skin From Sun Damage

Peptides Help Protect Your Skin From Sun Damage

July 31, 2023

Your skin loves peptides. Peptides are short-chain amino acids that augment and help build proteins within your skin, resulting in firm, healthy skin with fewer wrinkles and less damage from environmental toxins.

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