Depending on travel distance and temperature, orders may be held for posting early in the week.

**Remeber to modify your makeup for summer.

*May need a deeper shade of foundation. *Oil Control. *Bronzer adds natural summer glow.



Abbey St Clare Blog

5 Causes of Thinning Hair . . . And How to Treat It Naturally
5 Causes of Thinning Hair . . . And How to Treat It Naturally

September 03, 2024

You’ve finished your nice, hot shower and—yikes!—there’s so much hair in the shower drain. Then you run a brush through your strands and try your best to ignore how much gets left behind in the bristles. Finally, you style your hair for the day and either attempt to strategically hide those thinning areas on your scalp or just pretend they don’t exist—denial is the first official stage of hair loss, after all. 

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Stay Fresh In The Summer With These 15 Hot-Weather Makeup Tips
Stay Fresh In The Summer With These 15 Hot-Weather Makeup Tips

August 01, 2024

Tired of feeling gloopy and sticky when you wear makeup during the summer months? It’s time to switch up your makeup routine and leave the smudgy raccoon eyes and oily T-zone in the distant past. These summer makeup tips from Abbey St. Clare will have you feeling fresh-faced and beautiful even on the hottest days of the season.

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Try These 4 Natural Essential Oils For Post-Workout Soreness
Try These 4 Natural Essential Oils For Post-Workout Soreness

July 12, 2024

You’ve jogged, lifted, jazzercised, or bicycled, felt your muscles work and your heart pumping hard, and you’re feeling pretty great about yourself. Then, the next day happens. You roll out of bed and immediately feel the tense achiness of delayed-onset muscle soreness, also known as DOMS. Suddenly, all that hard work you put in doesn’t feel so great after all. 

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About Abbey St. Clare

Abbey St. Clare products are formulated by Margaret Hardy. She has a Master’s degree in microbiology, degrees in chemistry and biology, and a background in gardening. She has made it her mission to use this knowledge of science and nature to create products that promote health as well as beauty. Her natural products were formulated with this aim in mind.


My overall goal with Abbey St. Clare is to help you become the best you you can be with minimum expenditures of time or treasure. Becoming this “Best You” entails educating you about ingredients that enable you to make wise product decisions. I want to teach you about effective skin care protocols and cosmetic applications so you can achieve professional results in the privacy of your home, in front of your own mirror. I am convinced that this knowledge will ultimately promote that innate happiness that comes from looking and feeling your best, within and without.”  - Margaret Hardy

Read our blog for helpful makeup and hair care tips and read our product descriptions to learn how the natural ingredients used in each product help you. As you explore our site, picture in your mind the look and feel you want to achieve!