Depending on travel distance and temperature, orders may be held for posting early in the week.

**Remeber to modify your makeup for summer.

*May need a deeper shade of foundation. *Bronzer adds natural summer glow.


Why Choose Abbey St Clare Products For Natural Skin Care?

May 05, 2024

Why Choose Abbey St Clare Products For Natural Skin Care?

Why are natural products best for your skin? Just as you fuel your body with the best fruits, vegetables, and healthy foods available, you also want your skin to receive the best of what nature can provide. And you’d like to do this all without sacrificing quality or spending an arm and a leg. 

Sound like a tall order?

Not so! With Abbey St Clare skin care products, you can look and feel fabulous and have the confidence that you’ve chosen a series of products designed to harness the therapeutic powers of nature. 

Here’s why.

1. We use only natural and safe ingredients.

Many skin care products contain chemicals, abrasive ingredients, and other potentially harmful agents. These products may do their intended jobs of covering up imperfections, adding a splash of color, or protecting your skin from the sun. However, they may also have immediate consequences, such as dry, irritated skin or a breakout, or cumulative, long-term consequences, such as hormone disruption and premature aging. 

At Abbey St Clare, our mission is to enhance your beauty and protect your health. We choose only pure, nourishing ingredients that meet our high standards. You can safely use our products and be confident that you’re putting only healthful substances on your skin. 

2. Our products are thoughtfully developed by a natural beauty expert.

When Margaret Hardy founded Abbey St Clare, her goal was to use her expertise in chemistry, biology, and herbal healing techniques to formulate products that harness the power of nature to improve the health and beauty of the skin. 

She developed each product sold under the Abbey St Clare name to meet strict requirements:

  • The product must be safe when used as intended.
  • It must be made from healthy ingredients that come from nature.
  • It must be effective at its purpose.

Any ideas that don’t meet those requirements would be promptly tossed out. 

3. We offer a wide range of products for a variety of skin care goals. 

Your skin is just as unique as you are. Your exact skin tone, shading, texture, moisture level, and skin care goals are uniquely your own—which means you need products tailored to meet those individual needs. 

Within our lineup, you’ll find products for cleaning, moisturizing, fighting the signs of aging, adding color, covering up blemishes, and/or protecting your delicate skin from the sun

4. We believe strongly in eco- and health-conscious principles.

We love today’s trend toward consumers making healthy and environmentally conscious choices. Because this aligns with our passion for blending natural health and beauty, we strive to always adhere to these principles with every product we sell. Our goal is to make you feel radiant, healthful, and naturally beautiful.

5. We genuinely care that you find the right products for your needs.

It’s not easy to maintain an active blog full of educational content. We do it because we want to make sure you get matched up with the exact right solution for your natural skin care needs. We strive to educate our customers about the when, why, and how behind using our products for the best results. 

If you need a solution that may help boost your sense of inner peace, ward off an oncoming cold, or determine the differences between common skin care ingredients such as peptides, ceramides, and antioxidants, we’re here for you. Read up on your favorite topics or reach out for more personalized assistance. 

6. Our products have ingredients you’ll recognize—and love.

You’ve probably heard the advice to steer clear of complex, unpronounceable ingredients. With a handful of exceptions, those complicated-sounding ingredients are usually chemicals that you wouldn’t want to absorb into your body through your skin.

It’s easy to forget that the skin is a porous, life-sustaining organ in and of itself. Its job is to filter out harmful substances and keep your insides protected from everything on the outside. However, your skin can’t effectively do its job if you use skin care products with chemicals and unnatural substances that hinder cell function. 

Instead, reach for products made with things such as:

  • Green tea: Green tea is a potent antioxidant that helps protect the skin and heal damage from free-radical pollutants.
  • Vitamin E: Another powerful antioxidant, Vitamin E can help your skin stay safe from oxidative stress and may also help prevent premature aging. 
  • Peptides: These little amino acids are parts of the proteins your skin is made of. Adding more of them via your skin care products replenishes your skin’s natural supply and may help your ability to heal and avoid sun damage. 
  • Natural clay: Clay is a powerful cleaner that can remove dirt and pollutants from the skin and unclog your pores. 
  • Chamomile: This inflammation-fighting ingredient may help soothe redness and irritation, promote calm relaxation, fight acne, and heal wounds. 
  • Witch Hazel: The benefits of witch hazel—the pure kind, not the commercial variety that contains alcohol—are numerous. Witch hazel may help tighten your pores, refresh your complexion, fight acne, reduce lines and wrinkles, tame oily skin, and minimize those puffy under-eye bags. 

With the power of natural ingredients in the hands of a company that actually cares about your wellness, you have plenty of help to achieve your skincare goals, improve your health, and feel beautiful in the skin nature gave you. 

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