Depending on travel distance and temperature, orders may be held for posting early in the week.

**Remeber to modify your makeup for summer.

*May need a deeper shade of foundation. *Bronzer adds natural summer glow.


Witch Hazel Hydrosol is a "Go-To" Solution for Beauty and Wellness

June 23, 2022

Witch Hazel Hydrosol is a "Go-To" Solution for Beauty and Wellness

When it comes to natural skin care products, witch hazel is considered one of the most popular. Witch hazel is a botanical treatment that has been used for centuries to soothe skin problems. The leaves, bark, and twigs have medicinal properties that can reduce swelling and fight bacteria. We recommend using a witch hazel hydrosol instead of commercially produced witch hazel for a variety of reasons. Below we explore why we are so impressed with what witch hazel hydrosol can do. 

Commercially Produced Witch Hazel versus Witch Hazel Hydrosol

The production process is what distinguishes commercially produced witch hazel from witch hazel hydrosol. Commercially produced witch hazel is an extraction of alcohol that shouldn’t be used as a facial toner. Alcohol dries out your skin, so you should use this form of witch hazel only to treat non-facial skin problems.

Witch hazel hydrosol, in contrast, is a pure water-steam distillate of witch hazel with no alcohol. Only a minimal amount of a safe preservative is added to allow its benefits to be long-lasting. It is very gentle on your skin, and is perfect for all skin types, including sensitive and mature skin. Witch hazel hydrosol is a great replacement for alcohol-based toners. Your skin will feel soft to the touch and it will have a beautiful glow after application.

What to Look for in a Witch Hazel Hydrosol

When shopping for witch hazel hydrosol, review the ingredients and the label to determine how the product was processed and whether it is a pure form of witch hazel. For example, a witch hazel distillate is an interchangeable term for witch hazel hydrosol. If a product doesn’t contain hydrosol or distillate anywhere in its ingredients, it is probably a commercially produced witch hazel and will contain alcohol. Another important indicator to look for on the product label is a USDA Organic label. This indicates a very high-quality product.

Witch Hazel Hydrosol Skin Benefits

Using witch hazel hydrosol has many benefits for your skin and beyond. Skin care benefits include:

  • Anti-aging qualities - Witch hazel hydrosol contains anti-aging properties. Daily use may slow skin aging and may reduce wrinkles and fine lines.
  • Pore tightening - Pesky pores are hard to shrink. Many products claim to help tighten pores, but most are full of chemicals and sulfates. Witch hazel hydrosol tightens skin pores naturally.
  • Inflammation reduction - Witch hazel hydrosol contains natural tannins, which are beneficial in reducing skin inflammation and redness.
  • Acne defense - Help combat acne by incorporating witch hazel hydrosol in your daily facial routine. The antimicrobial properties of witch hazel hydrosol can help keep acne at bay.
  • Puffy eye soothing - Witch hazel hydrosol calms your skin and with its anti-inflammatory properties, so is a great product to use for soothing puffy eyes.
  • Oil reduction - It’s normal to have a little extra oil on your face, especially in the dreaded t-zone. Witch hazel hydrosol helps soak up excess oil on your face and leaves you with a light and lovely glow.

Adding Witch Hazel Hydrosol to Your Skin Care Routine

The simplest way to apply witch hazel hydrosol to your face is by gently sweeping a soaked cotton pad across your face. You could use a spray bottle to apply witch hazel hydrosol directly to your clean face gently rubbing it into your skin. Test it for yourself; try our Witch Hazel Hydrosol.

Witch Hazel Hydrosol Hair Benefits

  • Cleans scalp and reduces flakiness - Looking for a natural remedy to clean your scalp and get rid of dry skin flakes? Give witch hazel hydrosol a try. Its therapeutic properties help clean and hydrate your scalp.
  • Reduces oiliness - Reduce scalp oil by adding witch hazel hydrosol to your hair care routine and washing your hair less often. 
  • Calms inflammation - Migraines, autoimmune disorders, tension headaches, sunburns, rashes, and insect bites are culprits for scalp inflammation. When your scalp is inflamed, include witch hazel hydrosol in your hair care routine to calm the inflammation.

Adding Witch Hazel Hydrosol to Your Hair Care Routine

Use alcohol-free witch hazel or witch hazel hydrosol in your hair care routine. Witch hazel hydrosols that are buffered with rose water or aloe vera are especially beneficial. 

There are a few options for application. If your scalp tends to become dry or irritated, we’d recommend applying witch hazel hydrosol directly to your scalp with a dropper. Section off your hair and lather into your scalp, section by section. If you’re trying to ease flakiness, absorb a cotton pad with witch hazel hydrosol and rub it directly onto the scalp. 

Witch Hazel Hydrosol Home Care Benefits

  • Insect bites - Witch hazel hydrosol helps calm the itch and irritation associated with insect bites. Apply a small amount with a cotton swab or cotton pad to the bite.
  • Burns, including sunburn -  Witch hazel hydrosol has very effective soothing qualities, so it’s a great product to use for sunburns or any other kind of burn. It has a cooling effect and will help with inflammation and irritation. Apply directly to the burn twice a day.
  • Bruises - Witch hazel hydrosol is an effective home remedy to help lessen the discoloration and underlying damage of bruises. Apply up to three times a day with a cotton swab.

Finding a high quality witch hazel hydrosol to keep in your cabinet is a must. It can be used to combat a variety of skin problems. We love this product because it is natural, gentle on all skin types, and incredibly effective. It is also affordable. Get yours today.

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