Cellulite Control

February 13, 2010

Ask any woman how to get rid of cellulite and you are likely to be answered with, “HAH!” So, how does one obtain the unobtainable? Persistence is the key. Cellulite control is the ultimate maintenance task. A majority of women have cellulite regardless of shape, size and age. It appears when a collection of fat cells gets trapped in the connective tissue below the skin, causing its surface to pucker. Heredity plays a large part in determining if you will develop cellulite. More women than men have cellulite because of a thinner skin structure. Also, estrogen causes the fat cells to stick together giving the dimpled look. Smoking and sun exposure worsen it because it damages the layers of skin over time, making them even thinner and less elastic. People with lighter skin tones have more noticeable cellulite puckering, as do overweight individuals because fat pockets enlarge, exaggerating cellulite’s appearance. The lengths to which many women will go to get rid of cellulite are legendary. They’ve been wrapped, injected, sucked out, rolled, and massaged. They have inhaled pills, slathered on liters of creams and potions, subjected themselves to painful surgery, and spent thousands and thousands of dollars. The battle continues anew. All is not lost. A healthy diet and routine exercise are the front line of defense. Not what you wanted to hear, but there it is. Creams, sprays and soaps will not totally get rid of cellulite, but they can go a long way towards making the skin firmer and more solid so that the fat does not pop through as much. Products alone will not change the fat underneath the skin, but they may help improve the appearance of cellulite. Twice a day application of a cream that contains caffeine, geranium, and retinol, daily scruffing with a seaweed soap, and body smoothing masques have produced results. The time frame may vary, but most people see results most quickly with a body masque that is repeated once or twice a week. (Alert: These are usually messy and time consuming.) Soaps and creams may require up to eight weeks for results, but a combination of all three strategies provides noticeable improvement in the shortest amount of time. As always, results are dependent upon the individual. Ultimately, longer shorts may be the most practical solution.

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