Depending on travel distance and temperature, orders may be held for posting early in the week.

**Remeber to modify your makeup for summer.

*May need a deeper shade of foundation. *Bronzer adds natural summer glow.


Hiding imperfections: Concealers are your friends.

February 16, 2016

Hiding imperfections: Concealers are your friends.

Nobody’s perfect. Well, maybe when I was in high school Adele Czlonka came pretty close, but that was then. These days, a sun spot here, a dark smudge there, a blemish there, rosacea bloom over there…. You know what I am talking about. One word: concealers. Help is on the way. Concealers conceal. They cover; they camouflage what you don’t want seen. If they are good, they blend seamlessly into your skin. If they are VERY good, they also contain skin care actives that nourish your skin while hiding that which must not be seen. Abbey St. Clare concealers are VERY good. Help is on the way. Our concealers are lightweight, easy to apply, and do not cake, crease, or fade. Let us persuade you with the most important reasons why you need our best concealers.

1. Brighten your eyes, lighten dark circles, and diminish under-eye puffiness.

Your eyes are the first area of your face that others look at. Lack of sleep, age, illness, stress… there are many reasons your eyes look tired and dull.
  • Dark circles/puffiness: Use a creamy moisturizing concealer that does not cake and blends into the surrounding skin. A common mistake is to choose a shade that is so light you are left with raccoon eyes. The best under-eye color is one that is a slightly deeper tone on the pink side. Yes, pink. Use a Soften & Smudge Definer Brush or Camouflage Fine Brush to apply concealer in a V-shape under your eye and your fingers to pat and blend edges into surrounding skin.
  • Eye brightening: Use a tone lighter than your skin above the eyes to even out any discoloration and lighten the area under the brow. The Abbey’s Prime Time Eye Primer is excellent for this purpose as it evens out skin tones, hides dark veins and contains a host of nourishing eye care actives.
Our help:
  • hiding imperfectionsSoft Focus Mineral Concealer Cream Stick is the best concealer for the fragile under-eye area because its creamy formula contains hyaluronic acid microspheres to hydrate and fill in fine lines and wrinkles, and contains light-reflective minerals which sends light away from puffy eyes. There are tones for every skin tone, including shades of peach.
  • Concealer Quint contains shades of peach for every skin tone for under-eye concealment, as well as lighter tones for above the eyes. Its creamy hydration is provided by jojoba oil.
  • Concealer Trios in Light or Medium have three shades for different areas around the eyes, including peach tones for dark circles and puffiness, with a host of moisturizing and antioxidant oils.
  • Prime Time Eye Primer is a daily skin care treatment and primer as much as a cosmetic. It is a nourishing concealer when used alone and provides long term benefits with daily use. Use a lighter tone to brighten or a deeper shade to blend in more naturally.

2. Searching for perfection.

  • Flawless complexion: Hide all areas of discoloration, including sun spots, birth marks, and scars. Use Soften & Smudge Definer Brush or Camouflage Fine Brush to apply the concealer on targeted areas and then tap and blend into surrounding skin.
  • Cover blemishes: Be confident even though your complexion is less than perfect. Apply concealer to any red spots or scars. Tap and blend into surrounding skin. Concealers with skin care actives and antioxidants are especially helpful for distressed skin.
  • Camouflage redness/rosacea blush: Small areas of redness can be concealed with creamy concealers. Use a concealer powder for larger areas of discoloration.
Our help:
  • Soft Focus Mineral Concealer Cream Sticks with its light reflecting properties and line and wrinkle filling hyaluronic acid microspheres. Shades fit all skin tones.
  • Concealer Trios and Concealer Quint: Nourishing and antioxidant actives nourish skin and help heal irritations. The multi-colored palettes can be blended to make the perfect shade to match your skin.
  • Corrector Quint: Mint is the color of choice to minimize redness. Follow with a light tap of one of the neutral colors. Neutral tones hide a variety of imperfections.
  • Concealer/Corrector Loose Powders: A light dusting of powder helps cover larger areas of discoloration. Mint Cream Powder is useful to minimize the redness of rosacea. Follow with foundation powder.
  • Use a Camouflage Fine Brush for targeting blemishes or scars.

3. To improve on nature.

  • Concealers are wonderful to add contours and redefine your facial structures for the best you. Use light blending of deeper tones to add cheekbones, narrow a wide nose, or minimize a prominent chin. Apply a light color along brow bone or at the corner of your eyes to open up and brighten the eye area. Use a skin tone along the upper chest area to minimize sun spots and fine lines.
  • Concealers are not for your face alone. Any area on your body that needs camouflaging can be helped. The backs of your hands, bruises on your legs, blemishes, cuts, tattoos, or scars anywhere on your body.
Our help: Any of our concealers and correctors can be used anywhere. Creams, powders, or a combination of any of the above are helpful for any area of the body. All of the concealers contain titanium dioxide which adds sunscreen properties, but it is not wise to rely on concealers to provide all your sunscreen protection. Mix any of the concealers or correctors with sunscreen for protection and concealment.

4. Contour your face and highlight your best features with the right concealers.

Everyone has gifts from nature but sometimes they hardly get noticed due to a competing imperfection. Use a concealer to enhance your features. Use a Camouflage Fine Brush to apply concealer (use a light hand) and a Blush and Blend Contour Brush or Chubs Blender Brush to feather color into surrounding skin. A few examples:
  • If you have a wide and short nose, make it look narrow and elongated by applying a lighter concealer along the bridge and a deeper tone along the sides. Blend, blend, and blend. Follow with foundation.
  • Small, tired, aging eyes: Apply a light colored concealer at the corner of your eyes; they will appear bigger and youthful. Blend, blend, and blend. Follow with foundation.
  • Minimize a double chin with a darker concealer along the jaw bone and under the chin. Blend, blend, and blend. Follow with foundation.
  • Contour for a slim face using a deeper concealer to lightly draw a line along each side of the face in the shape of the number 3: along temples->under cheekbones->along/under jawline. Blend, blend, and blend. Follow with foundation.
The Internet is full of how-to videos. It’s all about practice and trial and error. And it’s fun! Our help:

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