Floored by the Results!

February 02, 2009

"Hello! A very nice man gave me a sample kit of your products at the LPGA in Auburn, CA. I have to be honest...I didn't use the samples for several weeks. I figured since they had natural ingredients, they couldn't possibly work as good as my high powered potions from the dermatologist. My skin became very flakey and irritated from my regular routine, so I decided to give my skin a break and try the Abbey St. Clare samples. I WAS FLOORED BY THE RESULTS!! My skin was calmed and renewed over night! I used the samples until they were gone. (Earth Cleanser, Vit-C Tonic, Rosehip Serum, & Rose Spray) The tiny bumps that usually covered my face were completely gone!! For the first time in many, many years, my skin was totally smooth and clear!! The scents were so appealing, too! I would tell my husband to smell my face and I would ask him, "Does that smell as incredible to you as it does to me? Janice Wr, Los Angeles, CA

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Also in Abbey St Clare Blog

10 Great Ingredients For Natural Anti-Aging Eye Skincare
10 Great Ingredients For Natural Anti-Aging Eye Skincare

February 04, 2025

As you age, you may notice your eyes show the first signs of time with under-eye bags, dark circles, and crow’s feet. But with a naturally healthy skincare routine, you can fight the signs of premature aging around your eyes and restore your youthful, vibrant skin. 

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Meet Winter Head-On With These Natural Hair Care Tips
Meet Winter Head-On With These Natural Hair Care Tips

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Autumn is here, and winter is coming, but that doesn’t mean you have to endure dry, brittle, frizzy hair until spring. The right strategy and healthful, natural hair care ingredients will help you maintain your bouncy, shiny locks all winter. 

First, let’s discuss your winter hair care routine. Then we’ll discuss the products that we recommend for best results. 

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6 Benefits of Hyaluronic Acid For Natural Skin Care
6 Benefits of Hyaluronic Acid For Natural Skin Care

November 07, 2024

What do smooth, supple skin, powerful anti-aging, and improved wound healing all share? 

They are all benefits of using hyaluronic acid in a natural skin care regimen!  

This incredible skin care ingredient can keep you looking young and vibrant even when cold winds, harsh environmental pollutants, and even time leave you feeling dry, cracked, and wrinkled.

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