Depending on travel distance and temperature, orders may be held for posting early in the week.

**Remeber to modify your makeup for summer.

*May need a deeper shade of foundation. *Bronzer adds natural summer glow.


Foot Spa For Tired Aching Feet; How to Keep Your Feet Happy

February 02, 2009

NOTE: If you have specific medical problems, are pregnant, taking medications, or have diabetes, epilepsy, high blood pressure, heart disease, or some other medical condition, you should always consult your physician before using essential oils or pursuing any protocol that could aggravate your condition.
  1. Soak your feet in a warm water foot soak (See Foot Care) to soften and clean the skin, relax tight muscles, and soak away tiredness. I. Fill a basin with warm (not hot) water and find a comfortable spot where you can sit undisturbed for 15-20 minutes. You can even use a foot soak at the computer, while eating, or any other activity that requires sitting. Best of all: Relax and read a book.
  2. Place the basin of water on a thick towel to keep it warm and to catch any spills. You can also place the towel you will use to eventually dry your feet over the basin while soaking to better retain the warmth. (Be sure this towel does not touch the water.)
  3. Add soaking herbs, salts, or oils to the water, swishing to mix. Note: Using too much salt will cause dehydration.
  4. Soak feet undisturbed for 10-20 minutes. NOTE: Very swollen feet, or “hot feet” may benefit from a cold footbath. Use the soaking therapy in cool – cold water. Headaches are especially responsive to a cold foot soak.
  5. While feet are still wet, wash with an exfoliating scrub (Scruffing Milk Cleanser) to remove dead cells on the surface of your feet.
  6. Pat your feet dry with a towel, drying between toes.
  7. Use a pumice stone/board to gently scrub any corns, calluses, or thickened skin on your heels, toes, and along edges. Use gentle back and forth movements to prevent burning. It is better to remove dead skin in small increments over a period of time. NOTE: NEVER try to cut corns, calluses, or cuticles. Consult a physician if this is needed. Some physicians recommend using a pumice stone/board on dry skin before soaking. Use common sense to see which works best for you. Whichever you choose, always be gentle.
  8. Massage lotion or oil into your feet. Feet that have been soaked first will absorb the essential oils much more effectively. Using an oil formula intended to reduce corns, calluses, and cracked, thickened skin. Carrot Repair Serum is excellent for this purpose. Vespers Oil is very relaxing to use in the evening. If your feet are very sore, use a moisturizer with muscle and joint pain relievers (St. Luke’s Pain Relief).
  9. Perform a full foot massage as outlined below.
  10. Optional: Any pedicure would be performed at this point.
  11. Apply Serum St.. Martha to the nail and cuticle area, massaging well. If nail fungus, or thick, yellowed nails, is a problem, use Serum St. Martha twice a day until healthy nail grows. You will notice a difference immediately, but full nail growth will take approximately 3 months. Thereafter, reduce use to alternate days to maintain healthy nails. Wash feet every day with a handmade soap with anti-fungal essential oils – e.g. Ginger Tea Warming Bar, Lemongrass, Patchouli.
  12. Gently rub a final, thin layer of moisturizer or pain relief gel (St. Luke’s Pain Relief) into each foot and ankle. Place warm, clean cotton socks (20-30 seconds in the microwave) onto each foot. Leave socks on overnight for maximum benefit. Warm socks are a real treat and your feet will thank you.

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