Depending on travel distance and temperature, orders may be held for posting early in the week.

**Remeber to modify your makeup for summer.

*May need a deeper shade of foundation. *Bronzer adds natural summer glow.


How to Avoid Common Makeup Mistakes: Foundation and Concealer

August 02, 2011

EyesYou see someone with a glaring makeup faux pas. Being sympathetic, you wish you had the courage to tell her about it. Alas, it happens, but it doesn't have to happen to you. Let's keep you always beautiful. 1. Wrong foundation shade. Never match foundation to your hand or inside wrist. Use the jawline. Most people choose a shade that is too light, which is why we encourage trying samples of foundation colors before making a decision. 2. Wrong foundation shade for the season. Spend any time outside at all during the summer months and, regardless of whether you are militant about sunscreen or decide to hit the beach with abandon, you will tan. I am a down-in-the-dirt gardener who wears sunscreen and a hat, yet reflected light still causes a tan whether I want it or not. Be it said that a little color adds a nice healthy glow, so just go with it during the summer. Choose a deeper foundation color that matches your neckline during the warm months. Usually one shade deeper is sufficient. Your face and neck should blend into the rest of your skin. 3. Dry facial skin. Often people tell me that mineral makeup makes their skin look dry. I tell them the problem is often not their makeup but the condition of their skin. Dry skin causes any makeup to look dull and flaky. Take care of your facial skin with the proper moisturizing cleansers, toners, and treatments. Make sure you add moisturizer in the morning after cleansing and toning your skin. Give it a minute to absorb. Massage excess moisturizer into the skin until you have a smooth surface. If you tend toward excess oiliness, apply a mattifying primer at this point, but do not avoid moisturizer as a first step. Then apply makeup. It will appear silky and smooth, seamlessly blend for a natural appearance, and last longer. 4. Excessive concealer. Raccoon eyes. Need I say more? No white concealer. Ever. 5. Concealer error. Start with moisturized skin. Use a camouflage brush to apply yellow or peach tinted concealer powder to darkened areas or under-eye discoloration. Use yellow or green to hide redness or blemishes. Remember also that your mineral foundation powder is a great concealer when you use the camouflage brush for a more concentrated application. Then apply foundation shade. Dab foundation around areas you want to camouflage to blend colors, prevent removing concealer layer, and provide a consistent color. Your camouflage brush will become your best friend. Use a taklon brush because it holds more powder and deposits just the right amount in exactly the area you need it. I cannot over-emphasize the importance of this brush. Everyone should have one. Trust me.

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