Depending on travel distance and temperature, orders may be held for posting early in the week.

**Remeber to modify your makeup for summer.

*May need a deeper shade of foundation. *Bronzer adds natural summer glow.


Makeup as Sunscreen:Yes or No?

July 21, 2010

The Sun causes wrinkles and skin cancer. We need to protect our skin from the Sun. We agree.The issue here is that cosmetic companies market makeup with sunscreen protection as a one stop solution. We like this because sunscreen can be oily, messy, or too shiny. But hold the phone: Is makeup alone sufficient protection? Alas, tempting as it is, the short answer is no. Intense protection should involve a multi-pronged approach. Abbey St. Clare mineral foundations contain sunscreen protection. They are formulated with titanium dioxide and zinc oxide, the safest and most effective sunscreen ingredients available, protecting against both UVA and UVB rays. The concentrations in our foundations are commensurate with very high SPF (>30). We are confident that they provide great protective benefits. That said, we still suggest that if you are going to be spending the day outside, a dedicated sunscreen be used as a first line of defense. Here is a protocol for maximum sun protection: 1. Apply sunscreen after serums and treatments but before makeup. Choose a sunscreen that is non-oily and protects against UVA AND UVB rays. (Read labels.) Let it soak into skin. Gently blot any excess. Apply sunscreen to your lips as well. 2. Optional for oily skin: Apply a light dusting of Matte/strong>Oil Control Primer. 3. Apply mineral foundation, using your kabuki brush to work it into your skin. The Skin Cancer Foundation recommends a final application of powder even if you use a liquid makeup as it provides additional protection as well as keeping your moisturizers and sunscreen in place. Apply light dusting of mineral finishing powder for a fine finish. 4. Mineral makeup actually looks better an hour or so after application as it melds with your natural skin oils. Escalate this process in one of two ways: • Rub your hands together to warm them and use your warmed fingers to lightly smooth the powder on your skin, especially over the nose. This helps the powder coalesce into your skin, promotes a smooth surface, helps hide enlarged pores, and adds an instant glow. • Mist your skin with Pomegranate Protection Hydrating Mist which contains anti-aging extracts and humectants in a synergistic base of hydrosols. Any of the hydrosols would also be effective. Misting helps powder coalesce into your skin and minimizes the appearance of pores, promoting a more natural appearance. Additional tips: • UVA travels through glass. If you work indoors near a window, you can still get burned. • Sunscreen should be reapplied at least once during the day. If you are going to be outside for long periods of time, sunscreen should be applied every two hours. • The beauty of mineral makeup powder is that moisturizers and sunscreen can be gently applied right over the powder without destroying the appearance of your makeup or clogging pores. Reapply a light dusting of foundation or finishing powder if you need to minimize shine. • Keep it simple from the start: Use a dusting of foundation powder alone over sunscreen. Heat tends to produce a natural flush and additional blush may be unnecessary.

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