Depending on travel distance and temperature, orders may be held for posting early in the week.

**Remeber to modify your makeup for summer.

*May need a deeper shade of foundation. *Oil Control. *Bronzer adds natural summer glow.


Natural Shampoo Ingredients That Help Hair Grow

April 15, 2022

Natural Shampoo Ingredients That Help Hair Grow

When you’re starting to experience hair loss, you want to find a shampoo that helps your hair grow. But you also don’t want to be putting unnatural chemicals on your head. The good news is, there are natural shampoos that can help your hair grow. The ones that are most effective use certain ingredients. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at those important ingredients. 


What are they and how can they help with hair loss?

Phytonutrients, the most prominent ingredient found in natural hair-growth shampoos, are usually in the form of caffeine or alpha-linolenic acids (ALA’s) found in omega-3 fatty acids. Phytonutrients are chemicals produced by plants. Phytonutrients sound quite scientific, but all you really need to know is that they are powerful, naturally occurring ingredients found in fresh vegetables, fruits, grains, and other plant-based foods. Research has proven over time that phytonutrients work to help hair loss prevention. They may also provide additional health benefits. 

How do phytonutrients aid in hair loss prevention? Scientists are still trying to discover exactly how phytonutrients can help combat thinning hair and hair loss. What they have discovered is that phytonutrients have the ability to “talk” to your hair follicles and tell them to enter into the growth phase of the hair cycle. Pretty amazing, right? The more colorful the vegetable or fruit, the more likely it is to have a high count of phytonutrients, so remember that during your next grocery store run.

They have marvelous qualities and are great for overall health, not just your hair health.

Besides the wonderful hair loss prevention qualities that phytonutrients have, they are also very powerful ingredients that may improve your overall health. When you adopt a diet rich in fresh vegetables, fruits, and grains, you will not only notice your overall hair health improve, but you may also experience other healthy changes such as weight loss, better gut health, and clearer skin, to name a few. 

Phytonutrients have antioxidant properties. These properties enhance your immunity and can even repair damage caused by exposure to toxins through natural detoxification. As a result, consuming phytonutrients may help reduce your risk of developing cancer and heart disease. That’s a pretty good reason to consume them as part of a healthy lifestyle, not just for their hair growth benefits.

Common Phytonutrient Ingredients for Hair Growth


You may know and love caffeine as a wonderful stimulant that keeps you awake and energized. But caffeine is not only a fantastic, natural solution to help you stay alert, it’s also a phytonutrient ingredient found in many natural shampoos for hair growth, including our very own Lazarus Shampoo, Coffee & Cloves Shampoo, and Nettles Shampoo.

Caffeine in shampoo exists in many forms. The most popular forms are coffee beans, tea leaves, and cocoa, which creates a rich, delicious-smelling shampoo. 

How does caffeine help specifically with hair growth? Research has shown that caffeine reduces inflammation and stimulates cellular growth, which helps you maintain a healthy scalp to encourage hair growth. You can topically apply caffeine directly on your scalp or you can consume it through your diet. So the next time you are sipping on a hot, steaming cup of coffee or tea, remember you are not only energizing yourself, you’re also stimulating hair health and growth.

Alpha-Linolenic Acids (ALA’s) in Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3’s are fatty acids, a type of nutrient most commonly found in foods, including some types of seafood (salmon, sardines, anchovies, mackerel, and herring, among others), nuts, and beans. Omega-3’s are often taken as a vitamin supplement, but you can eat enough seafood, walnuts, flaxseeds, chia seeds, and beans to get your daily dosage as well. 

Though research is limited on how effective Omega-3’s are for hair loss prevention, there is some evidence available that suggests very promising results. A few studies have shown that participants who consumed Omega-3’s had improved hair health. The people who consumed Omega-3’s had more active hair growth and thicker hair than those who did not consume the Omega-3’s. Consuming fish oil, a common Omega-3 supplement, results in better hair health as well.

Omega-3’s have other positive health benefits. They may improve heart health, ease arthritis, enhance brain function, and help prevent eye diseases and dry eye syndrome. 

Best Forms of Omega-3’s in a Natural Hair-Growth Shampoo

Alpha-linolenic acid and beta-linolenic acid are the ingredients you want to look for in a natural hair-growth shampoo. Our Lazarus Shampoo contains these ingredients, and it is  also vegan, gluten-free, and cruelty-free. It has no parabens or sulfates, no harmful chemicals, no artificial colorants, no fats, and no synthetic fragrance. 

Why choose natural hair growth ingredients? 

They are significantly less expensive than hair transplants. 

Hair transplants can cost up to $12,000—even more in some cases. It could take up to six months before you start to notice any significant changes after a hair transplant, and most transplants take a year before you see the complete results. It’s likely that after a few washes with a natural hair-growth shampoo that you’ll start to notice improvements. The key to success is consistently using the shampoo to wash your hair.

They are all-natural and research-proven to facilitate hair growth.

The ingredients are all natural and are backed by research to prove their effectiveness in aiding in hair growth. Shampoos full of sulfates, chemicals, and other harsh ingredients can be harmful to your hair and scalp; these types of shampoos can actually worsen hair loss and thinning.

They provide benefits for overall health.

Not only are natural hair-growth ingredients great for your hair, they are also wonderful for your overall health–a win-win. Phytonutrients found in fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, and spices are scientifically proven to be good for your health. And they taste good. Another win-win.

They improve the health of hair including shine, hair follicle thickness, and appearance.

Even if you’re not specifically combating hair loss, the ingredients found in natural hair-loss prevention shampoos will still make your hair more healthy and beautiful. If you’ve always wanted thick, shiny hair, try a natural shampoo designed to promote hair growth. You may be surprised by the results.

The research speaks for itself when it comes to using natural ingredients to prevent hair loss. Finding and using a good quality hair loss prevention shampoo is a great way to combat hair loss. This can lessen the probability that you need to undergo an expensive hair transplant procedure. In addition to helping to prevent hair loss, the ingredients can improve your general hair health and your physical health. If you’re looking for a shampoo that helps grow hair, check out our fan-favorite Lazarus Shampoo.

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