Depending on travel distance and temperature, orders may be held for posting early in the week.

**Remeber to modify your makeup for summer.

*May need a deeper shade of foundation. *Bronzer adds natural summer glow.


Sunburned Hair Repair

June 25, 2010

The weather map is red and orange meaning no one is escaping the heat. Skin is subject to damage from the sun but we often forget that our hair can also get sunburned. The damage can be further exacerbated by swimming in chlorinated pools or salty ocean water. Hair gets dry and dull. Frizziness results from damaged strands as the normally flat cuticle start to separate from the hair. Protect your hair as much as you protect your skin. To Repair Dryness and Tame Frizz • Add moisture to your hair with a simple oil treatment. While appropriate essential oil additives are extremely helpful, you can achieve wonders with plain olive oil. You will need only a towel, a glass measuring cup (a 2-cup handled Pyrex works well), and olive oil. 1. Prepare your treatment by pouring out 1/2-1 cup of olive oil into the measuring cup. The amount depends on the length of your hair. Adjust accordingly. 2. Loosely bundle the towel and microwave it for about a minute. 3. Keep towel tightly bundled to retain heat while you microwave the oil for 10-30 seconds. Careful. It will not take long to heat the oil. TEST the temperature before using. It should be lukewarm to very warm but NOT HOT. 4. With the towel at hand, lean your head over the sink and slowly pour the warmed oil over your dry hair, massaging it through all the strands. Continue to work the oil completely through. 5. Wrap the warm towel over your hair and leave in place for 15-30 minutes. 6. Remove oil by first massaging shampoo through your hair. No water until all the hair has been saturated with shampoo. Then continue and shampoo as usual. 7. Your hair will be soft, shiny, and happy. • Work a small amount of conditioner through your dry hair before going out in the sun. All of the Abbey’s conditioners contain essential oils to increase hydration and tame frizziness. Chamomile and Quicksilver conditioners work with the sun to add natural lightening highlights. To Prevent Limp Locks • Protect your hair from moisture loss by locking it in with a coating of hair gel. Make sure it is dry before stepping out the door.

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